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Time to ride the tide of blue ocean business
From:Chinadaily | Edit:insomila | Time :1020天前 | 3158 Times visit: | 分享到:
The global economy would not exist without the ocean. Ocean-based industries contribute $1.5 trillion annually and hundreds of millions of jobs in fishing, shipping, marine tourism, and renewable energy.

Oceans 2050, a foundation established by the granddaughter of legendary ocean explorer and conservationist Jacques Cousteau, focuses on advocacy for ocean abundance restoration and is pioneering regenerative seaweed aquaculture that will sell both carbon credits and a premium food product while creating jobs for vulnerable coastal and island communities in 12 countries in Asia, Europe, and North and South America. This trend is not limited to fish and other seafood. Traditional crops are being grown in underwater pods to conserve energy, water, and chemicals.

Purpose-built companies are being developed with the primary aim of investing in nature to make our oceans healthy and more resilient. CLS is a global company operating in 90 countries to provide high-tech fisheries management products and services, such as electronic monitoring systems.
Aquaai Corporation builds robotic fish that combine real-time data, artificial intelligence, and machine learning to deliver marine monitoring and compliance services. Other innovators include WIPSEA, which stands for Wildlife Process Solutions for Environmental Assessment and uses drones and big data to improve marine megafauna monitoring, and the CHARM foundation that invented coral-farming robots.

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