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Time to ride the tide of blue ocean business
From:Chinadaily | Edit:insomila | Time :1020天前 | 3160 Times visit: | 分享到:
The global economy would not exist without the ocean. Ocean-based industries contribute $1.5 trillion annually and hundreds of millions of jobs in fishing, shipping, marine tourism, and renewable energy.

In the fisheries sector, reducing the 35 percent of seafood wasted in the value chain could have measurable environmental and economic benefits. M&C Asia, a major seafood importer in Hong Kong, China, holds two sustainability certifications for its work tracing each fish from dock to plate, allowing it to charge premium prices.

The Sustainable Seafood Fund, which aims to deliver fishery improvement projects to reduce fisheries investment risks, including pipeline development, repayment risks, market risks and execution risks, partners with corporate buyers using long-term purchase agreements to secure fish and repay investors through fees based on volume or value.

In solid waste management, 60 percent of global land-based marine plastic pollution comes from five countries in Asia. To enhance its margins, Indorama Ventures, a global manufacturer in polyethylene terephthalate, is expanding its plastic bottle recycling capacity and decreasing ocean waste. The environmental benefits earn the company blue ocean credentials, important for environmentally conscious investors.

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