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Washington adjusts visa restrictions amid protest
From:chinadaily | Edit:insomila | Time :1391天前 | 3093 Times visit: | 分享到:
A view of Calhoun Drive on the campus of Clemson University on June 10, 2020 in Clemson, South Carolina. The campus remains open in a limited capacity due to the Coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic.

"This quasi-international student ban represents another unfortunate assault by the administration against immigrants and higher education," she added.

US President Donald Trump has insisted that schools and colleges return to in-person instruction as soon as possible. Soon after the restrictions were announced, Trump repeated on Twitter that schools must reopen this fall, adding that the Democrats wanted to keep schools closed "for political reasons, not for health reasons".

But the restrictions have put additional pressure on universities to reopen even amid growing concerns about the recent spread of COVID-19 among young adults.

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